Gun Control. Essay

Gun Control. Essay

Gun Control
Since the set up of United State, the Second Amendment allows people can hold guns to defense their possession against the unexpected force. For people’s security, they should keep their guns with them as a good way to protect themselves.
First of all, government can limit gun purchases and use by pass some laws. Therefore, suspend the right that people can own gun legally does not seem the best way to deal. Here is a case, 1994 passed bills proposed by President Clinton to restrict certain kinds of assault weapon and to create a national system of background checks for gun purchases. In this way, it can help government control legal gun purchases.
Secondly, Mechanism can be put in place to identify such people – and restrict their access to firearms including expanding background checks to private sales. Gun – rights advocates should support efforts to strengthen the prohibition on processing firearm. On the other hand, Gun owners should also be obligated to store unused firearms safely so that potentially dangerous persons and minors children do not gain easy access to them.
It’s true that many innocents died as a result of these shooting, but tightening the noose on citizen’s right to own and carry is not a good solution at all. A very simple truth: laws don’t stop drugs and crazies. Look at all the effort James Holmes went through to booby - trap his house and look over all he did, do one honestly think stricter gun laws were going to stop him? What to conclude? Strict gun laws in Great Britain and Australia haven't made their people noticeably safer, nor have they prevented massacres. The two major countries held up as models for the U.S. don't provide much evidence that strict gun laws will solve our problems.( Page )
In my opinion, I believed guns are not assault weapons, they are tools. How they one used is up to the person holding it. Those “tools” can’t do anything by themselves; it’s the person who holds the gun that...

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