

It has been recommended that all hospitals where blood is transfused should have a Hospital Transfusion Committee (HTC) in place to oversee all aspects of transfusion. The Role of the Hospital Transfusion Committee includes:

Developing local protocols based on national guidelines
Promoting education and training
Leading multi-professional audit
Providing feedback on blood use to clinical users
Ensuring information on receiving a blood transfusion is available for patients
Ensuring compliance and awareness of the Blood Quality and Safety Regulations (BSQR).

here is no legal requirement in the UK to gain specific consent from the patient for the transfusion of blood components. It should however, be sought as part of the overall consent process. Involving the patient in the consent process respects the right of the patient to be included in decisions about their treatment.

You should involve the patient in the consent process for the following reasons:

Respect patient autonomy
Protect both the patient and you as a professional
Promote trust between you and the patient
Promote audit and self-scrutiny
Promote rational decision making e.g., an opportunity to discuss alternative therapies.

You should involve the patient by:

Conversing in a language the patient will understand
Encouraging the patient to ask questions
Checking for understanding
Including information on the risks, benefits and possible alternatives to allogeneic transfusion
Providing support materials e.g., patient information leaflets that will allow patients to seek further information or consider alternative therapies such as autologous pre-donation or cell salvage
Remembering it is essential that you clearly document, in the case notes, the patients verbal consent and the discussion which led to that.

ou should involve the patient:

Sufficiently in advance of the proposed treatment (if possible) e.g., at the surgical outpatient department...