Harvard System Essay

Harvard System Essay

Referencing and Citation The University of Nottingham (2006) web pages reflect that, doing citation and referencing is very important as it enables a reader to find out what exactly was the depth till which the writer had actually gone. It also gives the reader an idea about what all sources had been referred for that particular piece of work. Moreover, it is a good way of showing the flow of ideas to the reader. The web pages from the University of Nottingham (2006) also identify that if the information used has been cited along with a proper bibliography of the references, it would be helpful in avoiding being accused of plagiarism. So, only listing the references is not the proper amount of acknowledgement that is required for the use of a particular source in a certain piece of work (University of Nottingham. 2006). Dee, Bell, Peacock (2008) highlights that when one uses his/her own words to convey someone else’s ideas into his/her work, he/she needs to reference the source from where the information has been taken, in order to demonstrate the fact, the information used is coming from other people’s ideas is known to the person using it, to endorse the ideas of other people, to support the points and arguments made using their ideas, and to empower the reader to locate the original material that has been used in the compilation (University of Kent. 2008) (Dee, Bell, Peacock. 2008). So, the breadth and quality of the research becomes very clear and also plagiarism is avoided when there is an appropriate use of referencing (Referencing Using Harvard Author Date System 2007). The one bad thing that pushes a user to use a referencing system is Plagiarism. The {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} University of Kent (2008) web pages state {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} that, “Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct (University of Kent. 2008).” It can happen in a number of ways including taking another person’s work or ideas without making...

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