HCR 210 UOP Course Tutorial/Shoptutorial

HCR 210 UOP Course Tutorial/Shoptutorial

HCR 210 Entire Course

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HCR 210 Week 1 CheckPoint Patient Self-Determination Act
HCR 210 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2
HCR 210 Week 2 CheckPoint Records Administrators and Technicians
HCR 210 Week 2 Assignment U.S. Health Care Settings
HCR 210 Week 3 CheckPoint Record Formats
HCR 210 Week 3 DQ 1 And DQ 2

HCR 210 Week 1 CheckPoint Patient Self-Determination Act

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CheckPoint: Patient Self-Determination Act

• Resource: P. 10 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices
• Discuss, in 250 to 300 words, the effect of the Patient Self-Determination Act on health care delivery. Consider how you think records management procedures have had to respond to this piece of legislation.

HCR 210 Week 2 CheckPoint Records Administrators and Technicians

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CheckPoint: Records Administrators and Technicians

• Resource: American Health Information Management Association Web sites:
Records Administrator competencies: http://www.ahima.org/certification/competency.rhit.asp#comp
Records Technician competencies: http://www.ahima.org/certification/documents/2006/2006_RHIAcomp_statements.pdf

HCR 210 Week 4 Assignment Interview Data (Appendix B)

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Assignment: Interviews

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