health and social coursework

health and social coursework

P1- Describe the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development for each of the following life stages.
Physical Development
When infant is 0-3 months he learns how to control his muscles and movements. Motor control develops from the head, moves down through the arms and the trunk and then to the legs and feet. At first, infant’s movements are reflexive in nature -- for example, he/she turns his head to the side when someone stroked his /her cheek. As motor development continued, he/she learns to interact with his environment. By one month, infant is able to turn his head from side to side when lying on the back or belly, and can move his/her hands and arms.
Motor movement continues to improve as infant approaches his first half-birthday. As a 3-month-old infant is able to kick his legs when lying on the belly or back, and bats at and briefly grasps toys. Between 3 and 4 months, he/she can roll with belly to back first, and by 6 months he can roll back to belly.
At 6 months of age, infant begins to sit without support, and can stand with support between 7 and 8 months of age. By 8.5 months, infants start crawling on their hands and knees, and walking with assistance occurs at approximately 9 months. Infant’s ability to stand alone takes a bit longer -about 11 months.
By 12 months of age, infant can take a few steps on their own. Between 13 and 15 months, walking skills increase and infant begins to walk, unassisted, across a room. Playing movements, such as kicking and throwing balls begins around 18 months, and at this time infant starts running, climbing stairs with assistance.
Between the ages of 2 and 3, balance improves therefore Infants learn to walk with a smoother pattern. During this period infant learns to stand briefly on one foot, walk backwards, and walk on tip toes, jump in place. By the age of 3 infants are able to jump over objects. Between 30 and 34 months, infant begins to walk up stairs alternating feet without a...

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