Hellen Keller

Hellen Keller

Eng 111-3
September 28, 2001
Summary and Response Essay

I have always liked stories about Helen Keller. I can remember reading “The Miracle Worker” in my ninth grade English class. I was amazed with how Anne Sullivan taught Helen how to sign to her parents about what she wanted or needed. I have decided to do my essay over “The Day Language Came Into My Life,” by Helen Keller.
This essay is about a Helen when she was seven years old a teacher had came to her home and taught her how to talk to people with her hands. In the first paragraph it talks about how March 3 of 1887 would be the most important day of her life. It was the day her teacher Miss. Anne Sullivan would come and teacher her all kinds of new things. In the second and third paragraph, she talks about how she felt before Miss. Sullivan had arrived there. Helen said, “Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass of sounding how near the harbor was…” (107) And she goes on to say how she wanted to hear the harbor and wanted to see the light again. The fourth and fifth paragraph, she talks about how Miss. Sullivan taught her how to spell doll in the palm of her hand. Helen just looks at her funny cause she didn’t know what she was doing. And then she got real interested in what Miss. Sullivan was doing.
Then in the sixth paragraph Anne made Helen have to do some sign language, but Helen didn’t want to do anything but play with a doll that Anne had gave her the first day that she had arrived to the Keller farm. Later in the paragraph Miss. Sullivan after Helen had broke the doll. Miss. Sullivan tried to impress the words mug and water on to Helen. But it was not working for Miss. Sullivan. Helen...

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