Hey How Are You Doing

Hey How Are You Doing

heyQ Temperature(20 minutes), Temperature(20), and T(20) all represent which of the following?ANSWER: The temperature of a liquid after it is heated for 20 minutes

Q Time(65 miles per hour), Time(65), and T(65) all represent which of the following?ANSWER: The time it takes to reach a destination traveling at 65 miles per hour
The number of days it takes to drive from New York to Oregon depends on the average distance traveled per day. If you travel 200 miles per day, it takes about 13 days. If you travel 350 miles per day, it takes about 7 days. ANSWER: Days(200) = 13 and Days(350) = 7.
Q If Pay(hours) is the function that describes Al's monthly pay at BIT Labs based on his training, Pay(56 hours), Pay(56), and P(56) all represent what? ANSWER: Monthly pay with 56 hours of training
Q The area of a sphere with radius 4 inches
in length. ANSWER: A(4)
Q The height above sea level at 2200 miles
due east of New York City.ANSWER: H(2200)
Q Which expressions give the monthly pay of an employee with 33 hours of training?ANSWER: Pay(33) or P(33)
Q The volume of a cube depends on the length of its sides. A cube with a side length of 10 feet has a volume of 1000 cubic feet. A cube with a side length of 2 feet has a volume of 8 cubic feet. ANSWER: Volume(10) = 1000 and Volume(2) = 8.
Q A tank leaking water at a constant rate will leak more in 40 minutes than in 30 minutes. Which inequality shows this in function notation? ANSWER: Leak amount(40) > Leak amount(30)
Q The cost of 5 boxes of cookies is 15 dollars. Which equation shows this in function notation ANSWER: Cost(5) = 15
Q Which expressions give the monthly pay of an employee with 42 hours of training? AMSWER: Pay(42) or P(42)
Q A tank leaking water at a constant rate will leak more in 40 minutes than in 30 minutes. Which inequality shows this in function notation? ANSWER: Leak amount(40) > Leak amount(30)
Q If Pay(hours) is the function that describes Al's monthly pay at BIT Labs based on...

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