Hierachy in High School

Hierachy in High School

High school is the education level between grades 9 through 12 in most societies. One can learn through the manifest function of learning through books and also the latent function of prioritizing and learning about one’s self. This type of school system is a world within itself.
Different roles and statuses amongst student differ in high schools. A student’s intelligence measures and determines his status within a high school. Coming from a decent and yet competitive high school, the smartest students held the most reverence within the eyes of the students and teachers. The students with the highest averages are the most well-known from each graduating class. All of the kids who need help for homework or an upcoming exam, rush to these group of kids. Another type of smart is also the street smart children. These are the kids who have extra knowledge outside the walls of the institution. They utilize prior gained knowledge and actually put it to use. Learnt knowledge is helpful in order to build a foundation. However, practice and experience is more valuable in the real world.
There is a hierarchy between the staff and students. Staff members such as principals, teachers, and libraries, possessed higher authority over students. They make decisions and keep order within the institution. Even though many students complained about grading policies and unfair rules and regulations, most students obeyed them. In my high school, we had many lenient deans and so they would simply ask us to put our electronic devices away and most of us listened to it. Students listened to teachers because they made up our grades and teachers carried out orders by the principals because they were their bosses. This hierarchy keeps everyone on track and helped us carry out our roles within this society.
The cliques at my high school were mostly based upon the different ethnicities and interests. My high school was located in Bayside, making it a predominantly Asian school. Most...

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