History of Prostitution

History of Prostitution

I think that the word ''Wonder'' is out of the ordinary. Either used as a verb or noun, one uses it pretty moderately, most of the time. The original meaning is pretty hard to come by: “as in to marvel”, “to be awestruck”, possibly “to be terrified”, “seized by delight” and “disbelief simultaneously”. One does not control the starting place of wonder; rather, one grows in its happening and let it take them over. Wondering tends to ask a lot of us people. No wonder people let themselves experience it so rarely. You may be thinking that I am starting off to a rough start, but the topic I chose really makes me think and wonder about people and their decisions. Prostitution has been an ongoing problem throughout the European, American and Asian regions since the early 1800s. Prostitution is the selling of one’s body for money or goods. Many women have been forced into it due to debts, kidnapping, and spousal control. I feel this issue needs to be more acknowledged by people now days, for that I see it not only in movies or in the news but within my community is Seattle, Washington. Yet in the King County region, trafficking of women is illegal, but it is still happening every night in the streets of Seattle, I personally do not see my community enforcing this problem. Especially, when everyone in the area knows the designated spots of where this is happening, and completely ignores this prohibited situation that keeps on occurring. But this problem is a lot more serious in other part of the world, like in Asian where women actually do this as an occupation, or in Europe where the prostitutes are the “innocent” women who are punishing the “guilty” and of course America where it is an illegal underground business. Prostitution is all the same around the world but all done differently.

The recognizing and researching on prostitution was developing in the 19th century by Dr. William Sanger, who was one of the prime researchers on prostitution of that time....

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