

Homeopathy: “simila similibus curentur

What is homeopathy? It is a branch of science meant to promote healing. It is a method of individualizing small doses of medicines in order to initiate a healing response (Ullman1). This treatment is seen as a dangerous fake medical practice but in reality is safe. Sometimes safer than our conventional medical procedures. Homeopathy is a safe form of medicine but it is mainly seen as dangerous due to the medical society attempts to make this area of science be seen as a hoax or placebo. Many steps have been taken by the medical society in its early years to make the public be weary of this form of healthcare and see it as a pseudoscience.
To understand why the medical world wants to make homeopathy to be viewed this way first you must look into the history of the homeopathy. The principles of homeopathy are as ancient as any other type of healing (McCabe). An example of this is ancient man placing a leaf on an itch (McCabe). The father of homeopathy or the term homeopathy is Samuel Heinemann. At the time the most popular practices of medicine were such things as bloodletting, and blistering, and massive does of mercury. Samuel felt there had to be safer way. The story goes that he was translating a work of William Cullen and found an error in one of his ideas (Ullman1). The statement that he disagreed with in the work was that of the benefits of Peruvian bark treated malaria because of its bitter and astringent properties (Ullman1). Samuel knew that there had to be better reason for the effects of the bark. He decided to prove his idea and took the bark himself in perfect healthy (McCabe). After a few hours he displayed many of the same symptoms of a fever such as heart palpitations, coldness of extremities, and quickened pulse (McCabe). After many trials of this experiment, he concluded that the reason he bark was effective was because it caused the same symptoms. (Ullman1). From this experiment the “law of...

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