How Does Media Influence Youth

How Does Media Influence Youth

How does Media influence youth? Interview questions.
(Must be ages 13-18 to answer.)
1. Do you feel media pressures you to look or dress a certain way?
2. Do you feel violence is shown in the media as a result to most conflicts?
3. When shown a alcohol commercial, how does that company make their product appear? Good or Bad?
4. How do you feel media influences teenage life?
5. What do you feel is the biggest issue involving media and youth?
Interview 1
1. Yes absolutely
2. Yes
3. Shown as a product that is good not harmful
4. It influences you to act a certain way and do certain things to fit in
5. Teen Obesity
Interview 2
1. Yes of course media influences everything
2. Yes
3. As a product that you drink if your cool or hip
4. The way people dress, talk, walk, and hold values
5. To much pressure on famous people to hold a perfect life because they are role models for youth
Interview 3
1. A little bit
2. Yes
3. Drink this to have a good time and be cool.
4. Shaped how youth dress, act, etc.
5. Body Image for women is the biggest issue
Interview 4
1. Yeah
2. No
3. Good thing
4. Gives a society a way to act almost like a standard
5. Sexual Intimacy
Interview 5
1. Yeah a lot
2. Yes
3. The hip thing to do
4. Pressures teenager to act a certain way
5. Teen exposure to violence through media

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