How far do the sources suggest that Wolsey’s efforts to secure an annulment of the King’s marriage were half-hearted?

How far do the sources suggest that Wolsey’s efforts to secure an annulment of the King’s marriage were half-hearted?

The sources suggest that Wolsey tried everything in his power to secure the annulment and that other events happening during the time were the cause for not securing the annulment and not because he was half-hearted about it.

Source 1 gives the impression that Wolsey was trying hard to gain Henry support for the annulment, the source says ‘being by me well instructed of the facts, Stafileo has changed his opinion’ which suggests that Wolsey was trying to impress Henry with the support of Stafileo who was a very important figure in the Supreme Court of the Catholic Church in Rome. The fact that Stafileo had written a book in support of Henry's annulment was a big achievement for Henry’s case as it would gain even more support and increase the chance of an annulment, this therefore shows that Wolsey was not half-hearted about securing the annulment but in fact he tried hard to achieve it. However the source is a letter from Wolsey to the King meaning that its reliability could be questioned as it could possibly be bias towards Wolseys efforts to secure an annulment. Source 3 also agrees that Wolsey was not half-hearted in his attempts as the source suggests that Wolsey had convinced Henry to end the marriage to Catherine through ‘ You have kindled the fire in Henry to end our marriage’. This gives us the impression that Wolsey was the source for Henry wanting the annulment. However, the source also says how Wolseys ambition was to become Pope, which could only happen if Charles V was to force. Catherine suggests in the source that she dislikes Wolsey and that he would do anything to attain the annulment as she had ‘questioned his high pride’. This therefore implies that Wolsey was not half-hearted about securing the divorce as he would do anything to make sure that Catherine was no longer beside the King because he personally disliked her. Due to source 3 being a personal attack on Wolsey by Catherine it could meant that it is unreliable as she would say...

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