How Is the Character of Shrek Introduced in the Opening Seguence of the Film?

How Is the Character of Shrek Introduced in the Opening Seguence of the Film?

How is the character of Shrek introduced to the audience in the opening sequence of the film? In the opening sequence, camera angles, lighting, sound and the script are used to present the character of Shrek as a cheerful, but ugly ogre with disgusting habits. The film begins with a close-up, birds-eye view of the story book which gives the effect that you’re reading it and enables the viewer to see the writing andread along. The font is decorative and non-threatening, giving it the appearance of a fairytale or a children’s story. Later on in the sequence we are shown an over the shoulder shot of Shrek cracking the mirror by looking at it. It allows us to see the scene from Shrek’s point of view as well as being able to see his reflection and reaction in the mirror. Towards the end of the film opening, there is a low angle shot looking up at Shrek when he is shouting at the villagers. This makes him look big and scary and shows us the shot from the villager’s viewpoint. During the same scene the camera angle changes to a high angle showing Shrek’s viewpoint and how he towers above the villagers making them appear very small, and useless in comparison. Lastly, the script is used. The first words you hear are ‘once upon a time’ and this tells the audience that the story is going to be a fairytale. Shrek’s language is only abusive and threatening if he is around people which shows us that he is only trying to uphold a reputation and that he isn’t really as scary as he seems. Shrek uses sarcastic comments. An example of this is-‘like that’s ever going to happen’. These comments show his negative personality and pessimism. In conclusion I think that Shrek is introduced to us in a variety of ways which present his happiness, negative personality, exaggerate his size and make him appear to be scarier than he really is. Some of these devices create a false image of who Shrek is but others just help to show the truth about Shrek.

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