How will technology change our lives in twenty years?

How will technology change our lives in twenty years?

How will technology change our lives in twenty years?
Nowadays we often hear from elder people: “New generation is lazier and unhealthier than we were'' and it is true. Technology is the present world, it affects people’s daily life.
Why is it so? Everybody knows that 21th century is called: Technological Revolution. Technological progress moves ahead every day. We have a lot of goods which make our life easier. On the one hand it is an awesome opportunities to save our time with the help of cell phones and computers. On the other hand it is not very good for our heath and brains especially for children who play violent video games from the early childhood.
What concerns changes technology will change our lives without doubt, but I cannot exactly say what changes it will be. About the health, today it is better than ten years ago, I mean that doctors and scientists had found a lot of cures for difficult illness. But the problem is that we are having new illness and is difficult to find a good cure for each illness.
I think that transport will also change in the next twenty years. I hope that people will found cars which will not pollute our environment I know that such cars are already use in the UK. I also read about giant airliners which is going to create next ten years. There is also a prediction about private helicopters which is going to appear in the next twenty years and businessmen’s who will have them will park on the top of city center buildings. Maybe it is fantasy but believe that.
The most important topic that will change in the next 20 years is of course the technology. Each day we have a new type of mobile phones, or IPod or mp4. So if we could made this technological objects, we will find a lot of new technology. The problem of the technology is that with the time the people is addict at mobile phones or for example TV, computer, Ion and others.
To sum up I want to say that long before people live without technology, they live very good...

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