HRM 531

HRM 531

The recent merger of InterClean and EnviroTech has brought about changes that will aid us in developing over time. Along with these changes we are faced with a vast amount of challenges. InterClean will be moving forward in developing a new training and mentoring development program. We will also be making necessary modifications to the performance standards and delivery methods to meet the needs of our new sales staff. Evaluations of each new staff member will be conducted to ensure that we are developing and that we are doing so in the time frame allotted. So your feedback will be crucial. ”Feedback is essential both for learning and for trainee motivation,” (Cascio, 2005, p. 301). InterClean will also be implementing alternative training for those staff members who may need additional training.

Training Program
Over the past weeks we have been working with HR to identify and develop an efficient training program. Now that we have done so we will begin to move forward and make sure we address the specific job functions. “Identification of training needs is first and probably the most important step towards properly focuses and direct towards the achievement of particular goals and objectives of the organization,” (AL-Ajlouni, Athamneh, & Jaradat, 2010). We will use different training methods to address the different learning styles of our employees. Some of those methods will include on-the-job training, information presentations, and simulated methods. The new training program will provide each of our new staff members the knowledge that they need to fully execute their new jobs and comply with our performance standards. Over the next couple of months we will be training in different phases. The managers will train in the first phase and then the sales representatives. The managers (Jim, Tom, and Susan (lead)), will be trained at a macro level. Along with the vast area of sales, the managers will be also learning how to communicate with...

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