Ideal February Calendar

Ideal February Calendar

AP Optional Assignment
Explain the following in word and pictures both conceptually and in terms of units or formula(if applicable)

If highlighted: I need extra help in this particular subject.
Molarity- the concentration of a solution. The equation is moles of solute divided by the liters of solution. To find the number of moles if only given grams, divide the number of grams by the molar mass.

% Mass- take the amount of substance X and divide it by the total amount of solution.
Acid- produces H+ ions in water. Proton donor
Base- contain OH-. Proton acceptor
Dilution- the process of adding water to dilute a solution. M1V1=M2V2.

Make a solution with a set concentration from a solid not sure- but possible take the number of grams of the solid and divide by the molecular weight. Then divide by number of liters in solutions.

% Error- the experimental divided by the actual. Ex. If in the experiment 40 grams of a substance is formed and the actual was actually 42, divide 40 by 42.

How to go from g X to g Y- take the number of grams of X and divide by the molar mass. Then multiply by the ratio of moles. So if the ration is 2 of X to 1 of Y, then multiply the solution by 2. From there multiply by the molar mass of Y.

How to go from atoms to g
Take the number of atoms and divide by avogadros number (6.022 X 10^23). From there multiply by the atomic mass.

Titration- is using the known concentration of a solution to find the concentration of an unknown solution. First the molarity must be found. So take the number of moles of the known substance and divide by how many liters present and that gives the molarity of the compound. Then find the ratio of moles of the known solution to the unknown solution. Mulitply by this. That will give you the number of moles of the unknown concentration. If the actual amount is given, you can divide the amount of solution in the experiment by the actual amount of...

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