

Behaviorism is an approach within psychology based on the proposition that behavior can be researched scientifically and understood without reaching the mind. Behaviorism was introduced by an American psychologist named John B. Watson in 1913. He insisted that behavior is a physiological reaction to the environmental stimuli. He rejected the idea of mental processes as unscientific. I defend the theories of behaviorism because I do believe our behavior is affected by the environment rather than from our minds.
There are generally three types of behaviorism, which are methodological, psychological, and logical behaviorism. There are three subsidiary concepts or claims that help us make complete truth of behaviorism. The first claim is that Psychology is the science of behavior rather than the science of mind. The second claim argues that behavior can be understood and explained without resulting to the to mental events or the psychological processes of the mind. The evidence of behavior is found from the environment or external forces and not from the mind or internal forces. The third concept states the theories of behaviorism are existent to help explain the exterior behaviors and the terminology of behaviorism and should be employed or should be paraphrased into behavioral concepts.
Each concept stated earlier helps form a specific kind of behaviorism. The first concept if committed by methodological behaviorism, the second concept is committed by Psychological behaviorism, and the third concept is committed by logical behaviorism.
Methodological behaviorism embraces certain assumptions that psychology is the study of behavior rather than the mind. It claims that psychology should concern itself with the behavior of organisms and Psychology should not have to be concerned with the mental states or the overall constructing of the internal mental process. According to methodological behaviorism, mental states such as the...

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