In Silence They Suffer. in Loneliness They Die

In Silence They Suffer. in Loneliness They Die

In silence they suffer. In loneliness they die.

The baby rabbit quivers with fear as its tiny head is shoved into a restraining stock; its eyelids tighten as a forceful hand clips them back. Sprays of house cleaner stings the rabbit’s eyes as blood starts to run down its snow-white face. Unimaginable pain and cruelty awaits as more sprays are applied to the rabbits eyes. This powerless animal is not alone in the world, “80 to 95 percent of animals are used in all experiments.” ( Many of these animals are brutally killed during these vicious experiments. The cost of an innocent animal’s life is not worth more than the newest line of make up or house products. Animal testing is an inhumane act that has been going on for years. It is time to stop testing on animals. It is time to stop using innocent animals. It is time to stop killing.
“Based upon the traditional assumption that animals respond the same way that humans do when exposed to certain products, animals are continually used to test safety.” ( Just because we do not see the animals being tested, does not mean that it is not happening. For years now animal testing has been going on. Companies decide to try their products on helpless animals so that humans will know the risks of their products. Companies do not do this for the better of the customer, they simply just don’t want to be sued. The two most common used tests are the Draize test and the LD-50 test. These tests specifically test the eye irritancy, skin irritancy, and toxicity levels of a product. The Draize test “attempts to measure the harmfulness of chemicals to humans by observing the damage they cause to the eyes and skin of animals.” ( The processes of these tests are none other, but gory and inhumane. The LD-50 test is “used to measure the acute toxicity levels of certain ingredients on live animals.”...

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