Initial Counseling Template

Initial Counseling Template

IAPG-MIO-PE 29 May 2011


SUBJUCT: Initial Counseling

1. Purpose. The purpose of this memorandum is to discuss performance objectives, duties, responsibilities and expectations of the Battalion S1 NCOIC.

2. General.

a. As the Bn S1 NCOIC you are mission critical to the section and the Battalion. You are in a unique position that does and will continue to make a significant impact on the Battalion, either positive or negative. You and I must be synchronized; you must understand the commander’s vision and intent, and work with me to develop a scheme of maneuver that will successfully accomplish both. Ensure you understand my guidance and seek clarification if necessary. You act under my authority and speak on my behalf; use this wisely and act in concert with my intentions to accomplish the commander’s mission. You must also liason directly with the Battalion Command Sergeant Major (CSM), the Company First Sergeants, and other Staff NCOICs. It is imperative that you foster a professional working relationship with these individuals.

b. In regards to your relationship with both the section’s officers, NCOs and Soldiers, you must communicate constantly throughout the day, face-to-face, in order to coordinate and synchronize actions. You must be a team member with the senior leaders of the primary staff and work closely with them and the Battalion Commander, CSM, Company Commanders and First Sergeants.

c. Build a strong relationship with the Brigade S1 section. Exchange good ideas with the goal of improving the organization.

d. I expect you to review all actions (personnel, awards, evaluations, daily status reports, etc) for accuracy, and run them by me if you deem it necessary. I need you to teach, coach and mentor the section’s Soldiers. Develop and utilize good tracking systems as this is how we will be able to provide the Command Teams with the most...

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