Initiating Relationships - Interpersonal Communication

Initiating Relationships - Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication – Initiating Relationships
Establishing a relationship do not happen overnight. In fact, it is composed of gradual and collective interactions between two individuals who are willing to participate in the potential relationship, friendly or otherwise. Communication plays a major part in starting any kind of relationship. Concepts on how to start or take relationships to another level stems from timely and two way communication by parties involved.
The moment you desire to initiate or escalate a friendly or a romantic relationship with someone, you start to consciously, or sometimes unconsciously, express your intention to the other person through physical and verbal cues. By expressing your attraction to the other person, you actually increase the your chances of being liked back. You can communicate this by increasing physical contact like a tap on the shoulder or a lingering hold on their arm, another is making eye contact. Another way is to verbally connect by saying their name more and switching to first person perspective; an example of this is the use of I, we and us when referring to both of you. Aside from that, using affinity seeking strategies when approaching them is also an effective way to increase your desirability. These physical and verbal cues are direct but subtle ways to show your intention.
It is not possible to establish a relationship without self disclosure. Getting to know the person involves bouncing back of information from both individuals this is because the other person needs to know you too. The depth of a relationship depends on how much information you give the other person. Self disclosure is a process that both individuals must feel comfortable with and not to force things when it does not feel natural – it determines the level of intimacy both of you have. This also means that withholding personal information from the other puts a bar or slows the...

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