Intellectual paper

Intellectual paper

The chicken does not even know why it crossed the road because it's attention span is so short. It was just crossing the road and got everybody trippin.
Also, the chicken came first. God put the chicken on the earth when he put all the other animals up there. Then it laid an egg. For those of you who think the egg came first, it did not. Simply because it is so obvious that God did not put a bunch of animals on the earth and then an egg. That does not even make sense.
How long does this have to be im just trying to get an idea for a paper.
If anyone reads this in the future, hi and I'm sorry that this is probably not what you are expecting. I'm on lots of adderall and its almost 4 am so im just really trying to get this done.
It keeps freaking telling me it's too short!!
Could you not.
I literally just can't right now.
If this doesn't let me view the essay I wanted to view im going to feel so stupid because this is such a waste of time probably.
It's literally still too short.
I'm going to use all my adderall fuel on this stupid paper about a chicken and then my random thoughts.
How about now brainia dot com how about now
Well what do YA know it's still too short
Pretty sure it's not.
Maybe it just wantse to fill up this box. This is way different from Twitter on there all you have to do is 140 characters and you literally can't wrote anything else. Okay well here's the defining moment if it lets me or not. Fingers crossed.

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