Interculture Communication Class Report

Interculture Communication Class Report

Essay 6 When I registered for this class in the summer I was offered this class or psychology. I chose intercultural communication because I hope to run my own business. I believe good communication skills with customers are most important. In recent years, the numbers of minority cultures and population have increased in the United States. With the expansion of business across so many borders there is a greater amount of interaction between cultures. In today’s world you need to be able to communicate effectively with all cultures. It is important to understand the different ways cultures will be comfortable communicating. I believe this will help build a successful company. I was still unaware of what this class was really going to teach, and how this would be taught. I feel the first group exercise we completed was very relevant. Each group sent out visitors, and every group had its own customs and rules they were to instruct or act out. It helped even more that the cultures we were given to depict were real cultures in the world today, and identifying them was interesting. I figured we would have to work with other classmates throughout the semester, but was not sure why. Working in groups is always more interesting for me. Not only do you get to see what you thought was right, but to get other peoples opinions on the subject as well. Most of the work was opinionated so trying to reach an answer would take everybody’s individual thought. It was here, in every group, where we started to use the communication skills we were being taught. I may have missed this objective in the first couple of classes, but realized why the communication in the group would help us. Every time we got into groups interacting between classmates became easier. Although people argued for self picked groups, I feel it was very important to be paired up with different people each week. By the time the project came around I knew almost everybody. The group work offered help with...

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