Interview on Civil Rights

Interview on Civil Rights

Civil Rights
Many people would agree with me that war is never the answer, and war doesn’t create peace. My interview about the civil rights helped me understand why war is never the answer, and the consequence a war has is price less. The war took place in Iran, and it was for the population’s freedom, but the conflict didn’t go so well for the people. After the war people’s lives were turned around, many left the country in hope of finding freedom somewhere else. The war affected the country in a negative way making it go into a depression. The conflict also caused a lot of psychological problems in teenagers which not many people were aware of or even cared.
The country was at war, people were fighting for freedom after they found out they hated the new regime, however, people lost their freedom and as always the government won. Things changed, women, Muslim or not Muslim, were forced to wear scarf and act the way they were told to act. Many actors and singers were killed because of their irresponsible actions before the regime, and many also ran away for their lives.
The government went to a depression after the new regime came because many stores, bars, and businesses were closed down by the government. The new regime found many stores and businesses inappropriate for the new regime, and 50% of the economic went down in a day. People became unemployed with no money; the prices of everything went up crazy, and people became homeless. Nobody liked the government except the people working for the government itself because they got money from everywhere, unfair money, money that wasn’t theirs. People were unhappy with the government, but since it was totalitarianism nobody could say anything. People dealt with what was going on and hated the government form inside.
With all the problems and the depression in the time weren’t the only problems. The society had failed and people were starting to get emotionally, psychologically, sick. Parents were...

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