Is Corruption an Outcome of Democracy

Is Corruption an Outcome of Democracy

  • Submitted By: ketaki
  • Date Submitted: 03/20/2009 2:18 AM
  • Category: Social Issues
  • Words: 257
  • Page: 2
  • Views: 1654

There can be various views on this as we consider democracy to be beneficial for our country and we are not ready to accept that a foul thing like corruption could be outcome of it.
But there can be scenarios which point to this condition. Democracy was accepted in our country as, 'of the people, for the people and by the people'. Here the common-man or the citizen was supposed to be the BOSS. But alas, we don't see this democracy, people choose their representative who later on will help them solve their domestic, legal, monetary, industry related and social problems. This is the job of government offices and government in general. But what do see happening? When a common man goes to the govt office, he is sent from one clerk to another, one sahib to another. The work is procrastinated. What options does the needy have whether it be the issue of simple electric bill or some important legal work for the commencement of an industrial project? People rare compelled to give so called 'favors' to get their work done.
It is against law to not only take bribes, but also the one who bribes another is guilty. And govt offices are not only the ones affected by this disease of corruption, this goes on in the other sectors as well which we might not be aware of.
Our earlier generations who have fought for the independence of our country must be thinking, is this how we had dreamed to shape our country?

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