Is ignorance Is Bliss?

Is ignorance Is Bliss?

Is Ignorance Bliss?
What is ignorance? Why is it bliss? Well, if we go back to the original meaning of the word, it would mean the condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uniformed. But in this case, it has nothing to do with the original meaning, because and according to some people ignorance is a great thing. That’s why to them it’s bliss.
If we are ignorant, how would we know the dream world from the real world? In the movie The Matrix, Cypher sold out his crew to be ignorant and to live in The Matrix, because there’s a big difference between the life on the Nebuchadnezzar and the life in the matrix. And also he was mad at Morpheus because he brought Neo from The Matrix. He wanted to get rid of the truth and live the life of eating the tasteless steak, and live a material life. While Neo, materialism lived outside the lines of his reality.
Also in the movie The Matrix, we saw that there were two paths. The path of ignoring the truth, ignoring real things that are happening around the world and just walking right past these things without asking ourselves why is this happening? Well, some people do that just to stay safe and don’t get involved with this kind of things. Do you think this is safety? People are dying all around the world, they are dying because they are looking for the truth. They are dying because they want to know what is happening. They are dying because they believe in something. We got kicked out of our country because we were facing terrorism by building the country again. I got kidnapped, my father got shot in his leg. And that’s nothing compared to the other families that had faced and still facing a lot of things. And that’s what we got for choosing the red pill instead of the blue one.
In our daily life we see all kind of things around the whole world. Some go right past these things and ignore them, and some stand and try to investigate and question what is happening, they try to know what are the main causes to these things....

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