

Compliance Laws Description of Compliance Law Rationale for Using this Law
importance of the sound information security practices Security policies in place
it is the result of the public company account reform and investor protection act Is responsable to protect the companies about fraud
GLBA Prohiboted banks from offering investment, commercial banking and insurance services all under a single umbrella Protects financial information held by the industry
All agencies of the government relating to the national security and the military Protect by federal laws and regulations for does who are in the military or contracted
Provides for helping citizens maintain their health insurance coverage Secure information of the patients to be expose to another person
addresses concerns about children's access to explicit content online, such as pornography at schools and libraries, by requiring of internet filters as condition of receiving federal funds this is protection of the children's when they access the school information internet base for them do not go into web access to another illegal pages
FERPA protects the privacy of the students records this is for protections of our children that are in school for no one else have access to it only the schools and parents
PCI DSS to help organizations that process card payments prevent credit card fraud This is use for protection of the customers for been credit card fraud or stolen data

In order for a large public health care organization to stay operational, the organization must follow many compliance laws. There are many compliance laws set in place for many health care organizations. For a health care organization of this size, there are few compliance laws that must be adhered too; Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX).
HIPAA required the Secretary of the U.S....

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