IWT1 Task 1 Sample

IWT1 Task 1 Sample

RIWT Task 1
Romanticism vs Realism Eras

Romantic Art of 1800 – 1860
The Industrial Revolution started in the later part of 18th century. This new revolution brought about a new market based on technology. The movement was changing from human tools and animal power to a new era of machine tools and machine power (McKay, 2015). Because of the new movement of power being man made to machine made this opened up an industry for many factory jobs. People who were generally farmers and villagers now took on factory jobs. Because this machine power was all new there was not much government regulation on these jobs. Some of these jobs could be brutal to men, women and the children that worked them. Some demanded long hours and working conditions were often poor. This type of industry made had rapid growth and made the cost of goods cheaper due to the increase in production due to machine power. It also had ill effects on the small village with the influx of people moving to the villages where the factory jobs were it caused many problems such as the air quality was dirty and the people were living in larger crowds and dirty streets (McKay, 2015).
Although there were people who agreed with the new industrial movement, there were people who wanted to keep the respect for the way things were before this movement started. While these people were trying to keep what was important to them and what they had once respected they turned to trying to resolve matter of the heart with pictures and literature of nature. This movement was called the Romanticism era. The romantics stood behind their spirituality and deep feelings into someone’s life as a form of rebellion against what they thought was dehumanizing the society as they knew it (Moffett, 2006). The romantics tried to trigger an emotional response to the artwork of pictures and books they gave them a power of nature and was their way of...

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