James Joyce

James Joyce

. In "Araby", a innocent boy crushes on his friends sister. He has feelings that he can not understand what they mean. He has never spoken to her, until one day she speaks and ask him to attend a bazaar. He agrees, letting her know he'll bring her something back. he continues to day dream about her searching for answers to his feeling and unable to focus at school. When he eventually gets to the bazaar and sees that its nothing fancy at all, as the lights cut off on him since its closing time, he snaps back to reality. He realizes that its nothing, but a place that sells items and that he has been a bit foolish to think that his friend sister would like him. This has shown loss of innocence, through the theme of coming to age. He saw her as a girl needing him and he was the hero she needed to save her and get her what she wants. In "Eveline", Eveline searches for her identity. She has been caring for her mean father since her mother passed that she knows no life beyond that. When her lover Frank, wants her to move away with him she is intrigued and attempts to leave. She wants to leave, but remembers the promise she made to her mom to keep up the home. She has a hard time even letting go of the letters she has written for her father and brother since she's so stuck in the past. She searches for her identity. She confirms her identity in terms of her home and family and not herself as an individual human being, through the theme of escape.In "The Dead", Gabriel sees himself as above everyone, until his confidence is challenged.

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