Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was an 18-century philosopher who believed in a new way to reform education. Rousseau would reform education by allowing the children to return to nature. Taking children out of their natural surroundings and placing them in a un- natural setting. This technique is used to help bring out qualities and talents in children that might not be ordinarily discovered if left to the modern devices. As explained in the Preface of the book Emile in the Introduction by the translator found on the website com/books “A return to Nature is a return to simplicity.” One of the definitions of the word simplicity refers to freedom from hardship, effort or confusion. There are many devices that have been added to the umbrella of ‘teaching’ over the years that have taken the simplicity out of learning and teaching children. Computers are an example of a device used for teaching children instead of using the standard methods such as books and paper. Rousseau feels that children learn in five stages in their life. As he has stated in the book The Humanistic Tradition “He divided childhood development into five stages over a twenty-five-year span and outlined the type of rearing desirable for each stage.” Beginning with the most general of principles during the early years of childhood to more complex principles that involve being with a mate. Education is a progressive venture and requires constant monitoring. Education is not just confined to the typical classroom. Education is every day, all day.
Most of my education did not involve many of the devices that are available today. The education I have received that would qualify as “Rousseaun” would include trips I made to outdoor school, the zoo and the aquarium when I was I grade school. There were opportunities during my high school years to take younger children on nature hikes and teach them about the outdoors. During my adult years I had the privilege of joining my daughter’s class...

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