

My first summer at Goshen Scout Camp

On the Sunday morning, our cub scouts 950 weibillos went on the way to Goshen with excitement. It took almost 5 hours, including a stop for lunch, to get to the campsite. I was excited, because this was my first camp-out.

When we arrived at Camp PMI, we broke into our Patrols and set up our sites, we put our stuff away in our tents. I was sharing a tent with Alec Charlton which was good because we both get along very well. Our Patrol Leader, Dan, then assigned us jobs that we would do throughout the week. One day we would be in charge of cooking, another day we would clean and many other jobs like that.

That week I would be working on my Archery badge, and my Rifle badge. Alex, Andy and Chris were in my Rowing badge group, and Alex and Zack were in the Rifle group. Rowing was early in the morning, so I was tired when we started the class, but the class was fun so I didn’t really mind. Rifle badge class was right after, the instructor was an older man, who was very nice, and he had two assistants. I had never really, and still haven’t really, ever gotten too into rifles, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. During the first day or so, I thought the class was boring, and I stunk at shooting the rifles, but by the second day I had really started to like it.
During the week each Patrol is in charge of preparing its own meals. I made a couple. One meal I remember very well that I cooked was this soup with beef, potato, carrot, and other stuff – I thought that it wasn’t the best.
Every year our Troop puts on a banquet. John Le Mon cooks the chicken, and the Scouts set up all the tables and cook the side dishes including desserts. We all invite many leaders from the camp, and some other Troops. The food that is prepared is always very good, and this time was no different. The people who joined us were very nice, and told us lots of interesting stories. The only bad part of the night was that the clean up afterwards took...