Journey Speech

Journey Speech

Journeys are movements in time or place that allow an individual to grow and learn about themselves and their place in the world.
These journeys can be imaginative, physical or emotional and can be represented in various mediums.
North Coast Town’ by Robert Gray explores the effect of urbanisation on a small Australian community.
‘Journey of the Magi’ by T.S Elliot metaphorically explores the journey of any individual in spiritual quest.
Michael Leunig depicts the connection between ones external and internal journeys in his cartoon published in Here and Now Magazine, 2004.
These texts explore the influences of the journey on an individual’s self-awareness and understanding,
‘North Coast Town’ presents a picture of an unnamed acculturated Australian town that represents all towns affected by development, even Singleton.
Gray employs the detached commentary of the hitchhiker to document the changes of the town.
He juxtaposes images of natural beauty with the artificial symbols of man’s progress. The alliterative effect of “Plastic pennants on this distilled morning” emphasises the kitsch manmade ornaments that clash with the pristine morning sky.
The influence of American culture, in “a closed hamburger stand…Tattoos and greasy 50’s pompadour… They’re making California”, conveys the way the town is slowly losing its identity because of the wish to emulate others.
The repetitive “Car after car now…” emphasises the invasion of travellers, tourists and developers who are corrupting the innocence of the town by changing the face of it, even more like Singleton.
His insight allows the responder to understand the detrimental consequences that occur when traditional values are ignored in favour of burgeoning so called ‘progress’.

Whilst Gray focuses on the changing culture of an Australian community, ‘Journey of the Magi’ reflects a change in social attitudes and values through allusion to the wise men’s journey to Bethlehem.
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