

Kol nidre is a prayer that is said on the first night of yom kippur, which in English actually means the day of atonement.

On the eve of Yom Kippur while there is still daylight, Jews congregate all across the globe wearing white. Kol Nidre is chanted with a sense of emotional anticipation.

Dating back until at least the ninth century, Kol Nidre, at first glance, seems to have nothing at all to do with Yom Kippur. Many commentators address this issue and their main approach seems to be that Kol Nidre, in actuality, emphasizes the importance of keeping one’s word to honour our commitments.

Musaf is the final part of the Yom Kippur morning prayer service and immediately follows the morning service.

The Yom Kippur Musaf service consists of two parts: the Avodah (description of the Yom Kippur prayers and rituals during the time of the Temple) and the Martyrology (description of the murders of ten talmudic sages tortured by the Romans). Musaf ends with the hymn "Ha'yom Te'amtzaynu" (This day shalt strengthen us).

A short break is usually taken between Musaf and mincha.

It is traditional to wear white on Yom Kippur because white is the color associated with both purity and death. Some people wear a kittel, the garment in which they will eventually be buried. Yom Kippur is a time when we consider deeply the meaning of life and death, as we consider that God's judgment will be sealed in the next 24 hours. Many people abstain from wearing leather on Yom Kippur, as required by tradition, since an animal died in order that the leather garment could be produced. Yom Kippur is a time for being especially sensitive to life and death concerns, including the lives of animals.

Things are very different from usual than on Yom Kippur, for different customs. There are many different laws. The base of Yom Kippur is to fast, and that is one of the many laws. Also, there are a few more laws, for example a yahrtzeit candle should be lit, you should have a big...

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