Just Today

Just Today

Since the days of Columbus, immigration has been a problem for the United States of America. If it was not for somebody finding this country and stepping onto this land, this country of America would not be what it is today. Immigration was a good thing back in those times. From day one this country has been torn between either liking immigrants or not liking them. Immigration has become out of hand. I feel that it is important for the U.S. to crack down on illegal immigration and stop it because out economy cannot take it much longer. Borders to the south and north are trying to keep immigrants out, and they cannot keep up with the over accumulating population of immigrants that keep coming. In this scene, immigration is a bad thing because most are illegal immigrants, and illegal immigration is bad for our country. If legal immigration is brought to the United States, I would not have a problem with it. Too much immigration could be a bad thing for the economy it will start to affect things like border patrol, over population, lose of jobs, efforts of sending them back and it always being a problem tell we get it under control.
Border patrol influences immigration deeply. Border patrol problem with immigration has always been a problem, no matter where the location is. In the 1950s, though, it did not seem to be a huge problem like today. Rumbaut listed quotes that are significant to how immigration was perceived to be back then. He quotes immigration to be “a dimly remote memory, generations away, which had influenced the past but appeared unlikely to count for much in the present or future” (160).As a person reads this, he/she would think to his/herself that he/she should not have to worry about immigration and think it is a good thing. What is bad about the quote is that it is wrong. As the seventies hit, immigration was not a thing of the past but a thing of now and the future. Immigration has been influenced by many things in this country. As a result...

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