Katrina Disater

Katrina Disater

The Storm this time the Urban Floodplain was a very vivid description of what happened during Hurricane Katrina disaster. I remember watching the news and hearing what was going on during the time this happened. Hearing about the many people and families who had to evacuate, and leave their homes. While reading this story, I found it hard to read after awhile because this was a tragic disaster. I can only imagine the devastation, and how it felt to the people who had to go through this hard time.
In paragraph four page 175 Helvarg stated that it reminded him of war zones that he had experienced. That he was unable to drive far because of the debris filled streets. When he stepped out of his car, he expected the sweet smell of death, but instead he was hit with a noxious odor. Which he now thinks of as the smell of a dead city, like dried cow pies and mold with a stinging chemical aftertaste. For me that is just so vivid and descriptive, just reading it made me feel nauseas.
Also in paragraph six page 176 where Helvarg that he crossed paths with animal rescue crew, military patrols, utility crews from NY and PA, and body recovery search teams with K-9 dogs using orange spray paint to mark the doors of still unexamined buildings, writing a date and adding a zero for no bodies or numbers where bodies have been found…. To me that was just so harsh that they had to go from house to house to check for bodies and to make sure they did not check the house again they marked the door. This section was very heart wrenching.
To me this passage was a description of what Helvarg seen with his own eyes, but what about the people who actually lived it. My prays go out to them because there is a saying what don’t kill you only makes you stronger. The individuals who had to experience this had to start from scratch, I can not imagine losing everything that I work hard for , let alone my life. This shows that we as communities need to come together as a nation and help when we...

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