Knowledge audit process

Knowledge audit process

Gaps – Gaps existing in the system.
Example: In an attendance file list, we can’t identify which students will be graduating end of the term.
Gaps are not done intentionally, is due to poor system design.
Knowledge Audit  Identify the gaps  Fix the gaps
(iterative process)
Benefits of knowledge process
“It helps the organisation clearly identify what knowledge is needed to support overall organisational goals and individual and team activities.
It gives tangible evidence of the extent to which knowledge is being effectively managed and indicates where improvements are needed.
It provides an evidence-based account of the knowledge that exists in an organisation, and how that knowledge moves around in, and is used by, that organisation.
It provides a map of what knowledge exists in the organisation and where it exists, revealing both gaps and duplication.”
The existence of the company, the more the years in place, the more knowledge documents we can find.
Single loop learning
Receiving a feedback for your exam paper. Going through the feedbacks.
Double loop learning
Is this particular painting necessary, can we replace it with a wallpaper instead.
-Maturity of the organization

Knowledge artefacts
Knowledge management life cycle

Investigator (Auditor)
-identify the problem
-provide solutions

Knowledge Development Life Cycle – Framework
Investigator Preparedness
-Background check of the auditor if they are competent.
-self appraiser

Important – Slide 75

What expertise do you have in conducting a knowledge audit generally?
What general ontological structure can you bring to a knowledge audit to assist you?
What is your background knowledge of the area?
What opinions or prejudices might you be bringing to the audit?
How do the tacit components of your knowledge (drawing from your participation in society – reading...

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