La Madre Monte

La Madre Monte

The Beaver’s mom works as a librarian; today she has left a casserole in the refrigerator and gone off to work. She will try to be home by 6 p.m. Her interest in books is contagious, the way she enjoys her days at the library makes her children eager to get out into the larger world of ideas and people. She provides her children with the notion that the world is full of greater possibilities. Her children see their mom as a role model successful and happy. They feel she is encouraging a happy and challenging life for them. Tonight when she gets home, she will spend quality time scrubbing down and toweling her children off in the bathtub, then she will read bedtime stories and tucked them in while building the foundation for their relationship. Mrs. Beaver is one of the exceptional working mothers that give her children the best gift any parent can, the example of a life lived to its potential. Are working moms hurting their children socially or academically by pursuing themselves a career?
According to the Department of Labor Statistics in the United States of America the percentage of mothers with children under age 18 that work out of the home keeps climbing every day.
Percentage of working moms Year
30% 1970
50% 1995
82% 2005
Note. From The Department of Labor Statistics, 2005
It is estimated that 61% of all working mothers have infants and children under age of 3 (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2000)
Working mothers are the rule rather than the exception. Most women have to work, not because they want to, but because they and their families need the income; for many families across the country mom’s income overstep the line of poverty. Some other families continue to have a working mother because she has a career, in which she invested a major portion of her life, if she stops working even for a short span of time, she will risk losing advantages and opportunities. More than one fourth of homes in the United States are single-parent families and it...

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