Leaders and Legislation of the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements

Leaders and Legislation of the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements

Axia College Material
Appendix C

Leaders and Legislation of the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements

Identify leaders of the Civil Rights and Black Power movements and their contributions to their respective causes. How did these social pioneers forge the way for this important ratification? What legislation was relevant during these critical times?
Part I

Complete the following matrix by identifying 7 to 10 leaders or legislative events from both the Civil Rights and Black Power movements. The first leader is provided as a model.

Leader and Associated Legislation, if any Date(s) Organization and/or Cause Contribution
A. Philip Randolph 1941 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, which fought Discrimination His threat to march on Washington to protest discriminatory treatment caused former President Franklin D. Roosevelt to react with new policies on job discrimination.

John F. Kennedy 1964 President of United States Helped change the unfairness by developing the Civil Right Act of 1964.
Jesses Jackson
1965 Leader of Operation Breadbasket Worked with Martin Luther King, Jr. to get equal jobs for Blacks. He later ran for President of the United States.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
1963 President of the Montgomery Improvement Association Led Montgomery Bus Boycott. Gave "I have a Dream" speech in Washington, D.C...
Abraham Lincoln
1863 President of Untied States Issues the Emancipation Proclamation. Support for the Homestead Act. Signed legislation entitled the National Banking Act.
Rosa Parks
1955 Secretary and Head at the local NAACP Got arrested for not giving up a bus seat to a white man.

The Arkansas Democratic Party 1957 United States Supreme Court Desegregating Little Rock Started the policy of segregation of whites and colored children in public schools.
Voter Registration Organizing 1962 SNCC/COFO To help register Black voters and build community organization.

Part II


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