Leadership as a Developed Human Behavior

Leadership as a Developed Human Behavior

In the dictionary it gives a general definition of leadership as the ability to affect human behavior to accomplish a mission or influencing a group of people to move towards a specific goal, setting, achievement or mission. I believe that everyone leader or has leadership qualities there are many levels, types and purposes. I will provide a detailed outline using the information I’ve learned in everyday life and history to further explain my theories on what makes a good, great or bad leader, and how we all lead in different ways. I will also explain the causes of good leadership and the causes of bad, why I feel I am a leader, what makes a leader and some of the most influential leaders of the past and present. Generally there are four styles of leadership the authoritarian, persuading, consulting, and joining. The authoritarian leader immediately indentifies a problem considers alternative solutions instructing followers what to do, they mostly without considering how others will think or feel about the situation, assigning role while mainly relying on their own judgment in. The persuading leaders in many ways are similar to the authoritarian only thing separating is instead of announcing their decision they attempt to persuade followers into believing their views.The consulting leader presents the problems to their group of followers allowing suggestions before making a decision, researches gathering background information and risk before making any decision. The joining leader encourages group’s decisions, they tend to guide standing firmly behind the group’s decision. I am not favor of the authoritarian or persuasive style of leadership because I feel the power of one’s leadership is not based on how many decisions you can make by yourself but on the accuracy of the your choice to where it will be of benefit to not only them but the ones who follow. I favor the consulting and joining styles because I feel it creates a stronger and powerful bond when...

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