

The boys vote for Ralph as chief. (p.18)

Jack has the opportunity to kill a pig but does not ‘because of the enormity of the knife descending... because of the unbearable blood.’ (p.27)

The boys decide that whoever wants to talk in a meeting must hold the conch. (p.30)

The boy with the birthmark talks about the ‘beastie’. (p.33)

Jack: ‘We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English.’ (p.41)

Ralph and Simon build shelters while Jack hunts. There is a ‘rub of feeling’ between Jack and Ralph. (p.53)

Jack paints his face and does a war dance. (p.63)

A ship passes the island but Jack has ‘let the bloody fire go out’ while out hunting. (p.67)

At the assembly, Simon says, ‘Maybe there is a beast… maybe it’s only us’. (p.90)

Jack challenges Ralph’s authority and goes off alone, soon joined by other boys. (p.134)

Jack and his gang kill a pig and put the head on a ‘stick sharpened at both ends’ as a gift to the beast. (p.142)

Simon discovers that the ‘beast’ is really the body of a dead parachutist. (p.154)

As Simon stumbles out of the forest to tell the boys about the beast, the other boys attack and kill him. (p.161)

Jack’s gang steal Piggy’s glasses, leaving Ralph, Piggy, Sam and Eric with no fire. (p.177)

Ralph, Piggy and the twins go to talk to Jack’s gang. Roger pushes a rock off the cliff, killing Piggy and breaking the conch. (p.185)

Sam and Eric are forced to join Jack’s tribe. They tell Ralph that there are plans to hunt him down and that “Roger has sharpened a stick at both ends”. (p.194)

Jack’s gang hunt Ralph down. (p.213)

Descent into Savagery
1. Put the events in order

The boy with the birthmark talks about the ‘beastie’.

Jack paints his face and does a war dance.

At the assembly, Simon says, ‘Maybe there is a beast… maybe it’s only us’.

Jack and his gang kill a pig and put the head on a ‘stick sharpened at...

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