Legal Issues at Kudler Fine Foods

Legal Issues at Kudler Fine Foods

Legal Issues at Kudler Fine Foods
University of Phoenix
BSA 502
September 21, 2005

Regulatory Environment for Kudler Fines Foods
Ever since the management of the Kudler Fine Foods has taken the decisions to purchase goods and materials from local growers of organic products and for getting into the catering business, a need was felt to assess whether Kudler works closely with the legal and regulatory requirements while maintaining the hold on the market. The focus of this paper shall be to get Kudler analyzed, for any legal obligations or concern that the chain has for its employees, accompanying contracts and agreements with organic crop cultivating farmers, the liability of the products, Implications of legal and regulatory non compliance.
Obligations towards its employees
Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) is the chain based out of California. KFF follows the ideology of being liberal towards its employees which is depicted by its support for the employment policy. According to the Kudler Fine Foods handbook: “The employment policy allows the KFF or its employees to terminate the employment at any time, for any reason”.
This statement reiterates that legally, Kudler does have the right to shut down the three departments, (a) confectionary, (b) deli, and (c) on-site prepared meals for the three months needed to re-establish the business.
Concerns Kudler will need to recognize are the possible, if any, moral obligations to the employees being laid-off. For example, (a) Will KFF offer temporary re-assignment to these employees in other areas of the business?, (b) Are the positions in question guaranteed to be replaced with the same employees?, (c) Will a new application process be implemented once refurbishing is complete?, (d) Will there be compensation packages offered to employees who are not rehired? Possible resolutions to these concerns are, re-assigning work load, retraining for new positions, guaranteed holds for employees wishing to return after the...

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