lesson plan

lesson plan

Date: 7 April 2014y
Grade: 10 “A”
Length of the lesson: 45 minutes
Theme: Reported speech: statements and questions
Teaching aids: Textbook: “Solutions” teacher’s book, work book, smart board, cards, blackboard, presentation.
 To raise pupil’s interests in learning about Reported speech
 To enrich learners’ knowledge about English grammar

 Forming skills in reading, writing, and speaking

 To develop pupil’s ability in critical thinking and memory.
 To encourage students to analyse the rules.
 To develop writing skills through doing exercise 1.
 To develop students’ reading skills through doing exercises 2,3,5.
 To develop students’ speaking skills through a game and doing ex.6
 To enable students to use grammar correctly.
Learning outcomes: The ability to report what people have said and asked.
Procedure of the lesson
Procedure Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Time
1. Introduction Organizational moment.

Checking the home task Greeting pupils. Introducing of the teacher.
-Good morning, pupil’s!
-How are you, today?
-Who is on duty today?
-What is the date today?
-What is the weather like today?
-Who is absent?
Please, sit down.
-Let’s to check your home task. 5min
2. Main part.

3. Conclusion.

1. Warm-up

2. Presentation of the new theme ‘’Reported speech: statements and questions”

3. Writing.

4. Reading


6. Consolidation of the material.

Evaluation; home assignment

Home task

The end of lesson -Let’s try to learn by heart this...

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