Let Me Tell You Why Its Okay

Let Me Tell You Why Its Okay

Mommy and Mommy?
A man and a woman, traditionally that is how it has always been. A traditional pair of parents is a single man and a single woman. With same sex marriage it includes both a man and another man or two women. Most people are afraid of change, and do not allow same sex parenting of children. Why is this? Can it be that many of them believe that it is not traditional? Is it that same-sex marriage and parenting is against their religion? Or is it that it will simply have a slippery slope effect? Some may find it that the child will lack a mother or father figure, depending on the circumstances. Others worry that the child could face ridicule in their lives as they grow up. All of these are great as well as understandable points that support whether or not same sex couples should be allowed to raise a child together and be married.
Traditional parenting is how it has been for many years. This may be a reason that causes a fear of change. Many people in today’s society do not accept major changes in their lives. They have been raised by traditional parents which has given them this certain mindset that traditional parenting is the only acceptable way.
Religion is a major factor in the thoughts of various people on whether same sex parenting is acceptable in today’s society. In certain religions same sex parenting is forbidden. Take for instance the Bible. The Bible states that, marriage mystically symbolizes the intrinsic “oneness” between male and female (Gen 2.21, 22). Certain churches are afraid that they will be forced to marry same-sex couples. This causes them distress because it is then going against their religion. They also fear that their freedom of religion would be contracted and be placed under control. A particular group of Christians known as conservative Christians believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. For one to believe in the inerrancy of the Bible means that they believe the entire Bible is without error. A...

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