Lets Goj

Lets Goj

Keyword terms
Homo erectus:
“Upright Man”… Identified by scholars in the mid to late 20th century.
Emerged roughly 1.6 million years ago.
May have survived in some regions of Asia until as recently as 27,000 yrs. ago.
Attributed with the “Acheulean” hand axe, fire making and some degree of complex language.
“Man the Hunter”:
A 1960’s philosophy which depicts Man as the Hunter and provider.
Solidifying the idea that hunting was related to male dominance. Supposedly the man provided the vast majority of sustenance for the band or tribe, while the women fulfill the role of gatherer. Many museums depict this in their dioramas even today.
However, more recent archeology suggests this to be false. There is clear evidence that the division of labor was fairly diversified in the early foraging societies. In fact, some of the evidence shows that the women provided more of the food than the men.
The premise of glottochronology is that languages change at a predictable rate. It was once readily accepted as a method for dating the approximate points where languages hived off from one another. However; the science of it is still under much scrutiny and many historians require supporting evidence from archeology. Within the text, if glottochronology is used for declaring dates, it shall be clearly stated.
Bantu Migration:
Suggest reading The Bantu Expansion starting on pg. 52 in text. Too much for me to consolidate into a nutshell. Perhaps someone else might have a go here for the purpose of a Keyword explanation.

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