Letter to My Co Lol

Letter to My Co Lol

Dear CPT Comrie

My name is David Isaac. I was born in Lansing Michigan on February 11th 1986. I have six sisters and three brothers. I am married and have a two year old daughter. My wife's name is Julie Isaac and my daughter's name is Hailey Jade Isaac. I joined the Army in Lansing on October 3rd 2005. I choose four years because I wasn't sure if I was going to like it and two years seemed too short to get the real feel for it and six years would have been to long if I didn't like it. I joined the Army because I knew it was possibly going to be the most interesting job I could have because of the traveling I could do and the things that I could do while in the Army. While in the Army I hope to get experience and education that is needed in the civilian world to advance. I choose to stay in the Army because I liked where it was going and I became somebody that I would never have been when I was a civilian.

Three things that could be changed in the unit are time management, leadership styles, and recognition for positive actions. There is a lot of time when we are at the company sitting around doing nothing when we could either be doing relevant training or be sent home. Instead we are sitting around getting bored and that is when the leadership starts "dropping" people for what seems like their entertainment. I have seen leaders start to pick favorites with their soldiers. Leaders should also select a punishment or corrective actions that fits what the soldier did wrong, for example if a soldier lost an accountable item the soldier should have it tied off to him. The soldiers of the unit should get more recognition for positive actions that they have done, yes we should know what we are suppose to do but certain actions should get recognized. For example when I was in Iraq it took me helping the mechanics replace and engine in a dump truck for an entire day that I was suppose to have off without relief before I got a positive counseling.

Three things...

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