LIT 210 Entire Course

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IT 210 CheckPoint 1: Literary Canon Response
LIT 210 CheckPoint 2: Writing About Literature Response
LIT 210 Assignment: Literary Definitions Activity
LIT 210 CheckPoint: Final Paper Rough Draft 1 of 2
LIT 210 CheckPoint: Final Paper Rough Draft 2 of 2
LIT 210 Week 2 CheckPoint: Young Goodman Brown Matrix
LIT 210 Week 2 DQs
LIT 210 Week 3 CheckPoint: Analytical Essay
LIT 210 Week 4 DQs
LIT 210 Week 3 Assignment: Comparative Character Matrix and Newspaper Ads- Appendix D
LIT 210 CheckPoint: Newspaper Ads for Dramatic Characters
LIT 210 Week 5 Assignment: Oedipus Rex and A Raisin in the Sun Essay
LIT 210 Week 5 CheckPoint: Comparative Drama Matrix
LIT 210 Week 7 Assignment: Comparative Poetry Matrix- Appendix h
LIT 210 Week 6-Checkpoint – Word Order Activity
LIT 210 Week 6 DQs
LIT 210 Final Paper Outline
LIT 210 Week 8 Checkpoint Analyzing the Essay
LIT 210 Week 8 DQs
LIT 210 Capstone Checkpoint
LIT 210 Final Project Comparative Literature Paper


LIT 210 Week 2 CheckPoint Young Goodman BrownMatrix

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Resource: Appendix C
Complete the Young Goodman Brown Matrix in Appendix C. To complete this matrix you will need to select three passages from Young Goodman Brown: one that embodies plot, one that embodies setting, and another that embodies symbolism. Copy and paste those quotes into the matrix. Feel free to use the following Web site to assist your choosing of passages:
s.asp. Additionally, write a brief statement of five sentences or more about what you learned about plot, setting, and symbolism in fiction through completion of this CheckPoint...

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