Lord of the Flies Newspaper report

Lord of the Flies Newspaper report

Part Two: Newspaper Article
Group of British Schoolboys rescued after plane crash on uninhabited island
David Collins – Staff reporter
CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND -- Last Monday a group of British Schoolboys were rescued after a plane crash on an uninhabited island just off the northern coast of Spain. A British Naval fleet came to the rescue after spotting smoke from a large signal fire in time to save 13 children.

Passenger plane crashes on uninhabited island off northern coast of Spain.
“The moment I stepped foot on the island I felt like a hero, seeing the devastated looks on the children’s faces,” said John Hatch, a British Navy officer.
“I knew from the beginning that a fire was the only way we could be rescued from this island,” said Ralph Johnston, a 12 year old boy who made it off the island. “The last fire wasn’t meant as a signal, it was… it was for finding someone.”
Investigators have informed the press that some of the boys are being accused of manslaughter, but this case will take a long time to gather proof. Three young boys, Simon Jenkins, Percival Wemys Maddison and Stephen Williams were not rescued from the island.
“I don’t remember what happened to Simon and [Stephen], they sort of just disappeared,” said Jack Merridew, one of the oldest of the survivors. “The past three months away from civilization has been the hardest time of my life. I don’t know what will happen now but I’m thankful I can go home safe to see my parents.”
“We have been receiving different reports of what happened on the island from every boy,” said lead investigator Andrew Young. “Every kid has a different story. Some are saying an animal attacked, while others are identifying two other boys who apparently were the main reason Stephen and Simon died.”

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