Love and Hate

Love and Hate

Love and Hate
Love and hate are emotions in which everyone feels and can associate with. Love is defined as deep feeling of affection. Hate is defined as a deep feeling or passionate dislike. Love and hate are proven to be linked together, almost as if you cannot have one without the other. It is common for works of fiction to describe people who often hate the person that they love. The situation is rather contradictory, for how can someone love and hate a person all at the same time? The root of this situation stems from the idea that everyone hates something about someone. No matter how strong the hate may be, they still love them.
Love is made up of multiple feelings, attitudes, and states. It is related to emotions of strong desirability and personal attachment. Love is not so easily classified, but it has many different meanings in which connections can be made. These connections are made through the person themselves. For some, love can be unconditional and can only occur between family members, or such things as a god. For others, love is very fluid. It can move freely between friends, family, partners, pets, the dead, and fictional characters. Traditionally, love is shared between two people that care for each other romantically. There is always the love in which you share with your parents or other family members. Such cases are common in which our emotions regarding certain situations change and we in turn develop different mindsets regarding our emotional attitudes towards the ones we love. It is not that we do not love that person, it is in that situation that hate develops. It is often that love causes many of us to hate, whether that be out of jealousy or anger.
Hate is undeniably an emotion in which everyone experiences. It can be experienced through multiple situations. Mostly developed through jealousy and anger and has become the most noted. Romantically, people can learn to hate the parts of their partner in which they adored in the...

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