

Robot will not ever take over the human race
When economic times are good in the future, will machine intelligence outstrip human intelligence? If they will, should we be scared by advances in machine intelligence ? Robots produce more accurate and high quality ,robots save workers from performing dangerous tasks, on the other hand. they just do not have human innovation and intelligence. They are just machines for following direction and they are only as good or bad as their creator. In “Lets You Train Your Phone Like a Dog” and “Obsolete Humans ? Why Elites Want You to Fear the Robot” there are numerous situations described robots can not replace the human race.
It is impossible to take over the human race,Even though they are advantaged over us (They are living longer ,stronger and smarter) but they still have defects. In “Lets You train Your Phone Like a Dog” By Marty Biancuzzo . He speaks on three main points .He state they demonstrated the chaos and destruction that can ensue when they malfunction or turn evil. So, made a set of rules for robots. A robot may not injure a human being or ,through inaction , allow a human to come to ? Well, robots had “brain-like” components that helped them understand these rules.the second point speaks a robot must obey orders given to it by humans,except where such orders would conflict with the first law. Human still can keep in control of the robots so, they wouldn’t,wouldn’t and couldn’t go against us.the third point speaks a robot must protect its own existence, as long as it doesn’t conflict with the First or Second laws. Artificial intelligence always work under fixed parameter .they can not think work on their own. So they rely on us for their existence .
In “Obsolete Humans? Why Elites Want You to Fear the Robot” there are lists example to prove robots can not replace the human race. Such as Karl Marx looked at Engels ‘work and concluded automation was decreasing the power of works. Japan is...