Madame Cj Walker

Madame Cj Walker

Born on December 23, 1867 in Delta, Louisiana as Sarah Breedlove. At the age of 7 she lost both of her parents due to "yellow fever". She moved with her older sister at the age of 10. She left her sister because of her abusive husband. Then at the age of 14 she married Moses McWilliamsand they had a child named Lelia or A'lelia in 1885. McWilliams died in1887 and married John Davis in 1894. Their marriage ended in 1903and she moved to St. Louis with her four brothers.

So how did Sarah get the name "Madame CJ Walker"? And do you want to know how her business started? Well let's find out. In the 1890's she began to suffer from scalp ailment that caused her to experience many homemade reciepes. She began selling the product Wonderful Hair"Grower","Glossine",
and "Vegetable Shampoo". A tight hair product marked in St. Louis prompted
her to move to Denver in 1906. When she moved to Denver she met and married Charles Joesph Walker and she became Madame CJ Walker.Their marriage lasted for six years. In 1908 the company moved from Denver to Pittsburgh. In 1910, Indianapolis has the cross road for 8 railway system, which led and helped Walker greatly in her distribution of her product. She moved her headquarters, factory, and training facility to Indianapolis and called the company Walker College of Hair Culture and Walker Manufacturing Co.

Yes, I think this person is more than important ,I think she is a legend, a goddess,and a hero.She created the hot combs for very nappy hair. She created
mainly majority of the hair products we used today. She helped people straighten the hair and convinced mainly many African American feel more loved about theirselves. If Madame CJ Walker was never here some of us might not pretty slick hair,without jam, grease, mousse,and of course the hot comb

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