Maliscious Media

Maliscious Media

The media is an enormous influence on every aspect of our daily lives. Companies use photo shop on the models in their advertisements to “enhance their beauty”. It is very rare that you will see a plus sized model or celebrity. Almost all models/ celebrities are tall with slim or slightly curvy body shapes. Media promotes this look as the sole look of beauty or worthy of attention. Fad diets are pushed on teens through the media which, if put into practice, can negatively affect their bodies. The ads for the majority of retail stores only target “tall, slim” teens, which makes it harder for any girls that are not tall and slim to feel attractive or worthy of positive attention when buying the clothes that advertised this way. Thus, the media has negative impacts on the self-esteem of teenage girls.
Photoshop is a big element when it comes to the media. Advertising companies take pictures of their models then use photoshop to enhance their beauty, by doing this they are showing girls a false view of beauty that is physically impossible to achieve. Photoshop takes girls pictures, slims them down, gives them bigger breasts and bums, clears their skin from acne, and whitens/brightens their facial features. Companies that advertise people should not be allowed to use photoshop because it gives teenage girls a false sense of natural beauty which they should be embracing at that age.
Models and celebrities are important role models to teenage girls. You always hear girls saying “Oh I wished I looked like her!” and “Why can’t I be as pretty as her?” which is a major issue regarding their self-esteem. You never see how a celebrity looks right as they wake up or how models look without the fancy clothes and makeup. Not being able to see models and celebrities in their natural state gives girls a sense that they need the makeup and fancy clothes to look good. In reality, being made up is not the only way to look attractive. Models and celebrities should be required...

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